A missionary in a red shirt and a backwards baseball cap smiles in front of a prairie
Meet Zachary Bryan, one of our newest missionaries. Zachary came on as an apprentice in May as the videographer in our marketing department.
1. Tell a little bit about yourself and where you’re from.
- I’m Zachary Bryan, and I’m from Hendersonville, NC, right outside of Asheville. I grew up snowboarding and mountain biking, so I love the outdoors. I have a degree in show production and concert touring. I have a passion for videography, and audio engineering. I have an incredibly supportive mom and dad that always go out of their way to help me. I have a brother and sister in-law that are absolutely amazing and are two of my best friends.
2. What made you choose to serve at Casas por Cristo?
- Ever since my first build in 2012, God has been preparing me for a role in ministry. Since then, God clearly revealed to me that his plans for me are better than my plans. He wants me to use my gifts and talents to further his kingdom. What better place to do that than the ministry that helped push me in the right direction?
3. How have you seen God through your ministry at Casas por Cristo?
- God is always moving. Since I decided to step into a role with Casas, God has been pushing me out of my comfort zone. This has caused me to lean on him more so that I can learn and grow into the leader and person that he needs me to be.
4. What has been your biggest challenge so far?
- I would say the biggest challenge for me has been the transition period of leaving my old job and stepping into this new role at Casas. This whole process of coming to Casas and moving from North Carolina to Texas all happened within one month.
5. What are some things people should be praying for on your behalf?
- Please pray constantly for the ministry and for each one of us here to be used by God in mighty ways for his kingdom.