Toll Free: 800.819.8014 Now Hiring

We are currently hiring for the following positions! Health insurance and benefits are provided, but salaries are fundraised in full by the missionary. Here are the details and responsibilities for each position.


Role: The responsibility of the Field Coordinator is to support ministry operations by helping to accomplish tasks and goals set in the location in which they serve.

Responsibilities: Lead mission trips, coordinate with local pastors to reach communities, assist in the ordering and maintaining of tools and materials, help to maintain fleet vehicles and ministry properties, assist in filming family First Look and Follow Up videos, and support the Field Director with team care by helping to schedule builds and arrange team accommodations and transportation.

Location: San Raymundo, Guatemala


Role: To ensure the quality and consistency of the Casas por Cristo brand and merchandise.

Responsibilities: Lead mission trips and assist with team care, create new ideas and merchandise for the Casas por Cristo store, develop Beyond Building Magazine, produce and distribute promotional materials, and help to maintain Casas por Cristo website & social media platforms in collaboration with the creative marketing team.

Location: El Paso, Texas



Role: To ensure the quality and consistency of the Casas por Cristo brand through video and marketing.

Responsibilities: Lead mission trips and assist with team care, bring sight and sound together to tell the Casas por Cristo story, assist in editing First Look and Follow Up videos, maintain CpC’s YouTube and Vimeo page, and produce and distribute video promotional materials alongside the creative marketing team.

Location: El Paso, Texas