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If you’ve built with us before, you’ve probably met at least one of our partnering pastors. They are the heartbeat of our ministry. These dedicated servants of God are tirelessly pursuing individuals and families in their communities to share the love of Jesus. Way before our teams come to build with us and long after they’re gone, our pastors are meeting with these families to pour into them spiritually and to build relationships.

A few weeks ago in Acuña, we saw this partnership between a team and one of our pastors come together perfectly. Pastor Virginia chose to build a home for the Torres Family not only to meet their physical needs but to also meet their desperate need for a Savior. Every day, Pastor Virginia was there. She continued to pour into this family, being very intentional about sharing the Gospel. They brought delicious food and fellowshipped with the team from Cedar Ridge Christian Church, and we saw this pastor, team, and family come together to serve as the body of Christ. At the dedication, the entire Torres Family dedicated their lives to Jesus! Pastor Virginia brought the Word forward boldly and clearly explained what it is to follow Christ, and this family’s eyes were opened to our great Savior’s love for them and became His children. THIS is why we do what we do – not simply to build a house, but to bring souls to Christ to experience the love and grace of our Lord that we have come to know ourselves.